Friday, 23 February 2007

Murder Manifesto

­ People get so excited about children who kill children. I find it rather pathetic. Most of them do it by accident, playing with their parents' guns, power-tools and so on. Very few of them show any real vision. There's nothing cool about blowing birthday-party guests apart with a shotgun, only to be knocked over by the recoil of a weapon you can't handle and then reduced to tears by the inability to comprehend what you have done.
­ Of course one has to admire school slayings. There's something quite satisfying about a child taking a gun into the class-room. One minute the teacher is telling you to sit down, stop talking, get books out - the next he's shut up because he's staring down the barrel of Redneck Senior's 9mm automatic pistol. And there endeth the lesson.
­ Of course, in Britain its harder to get hold of firearms. Anyway, teachers are too easy. No, in order to really make your mark as a child killer you must kill an adult in public. Anything else is a cop out. Even if we could get hold of guns, they would be out in my book. If we want to be taken seriously we've got to show physical strength. Shooting and stabbing are for the weak. A true killer kills with bare hands. Strangulation shows you mean business.
­ Some people may not understand why anyone should want to kill. I find that attitude rather puzzling - we all accept that people must die in order for us to live as we choose. If we didn't want people to die in car accidents the answer would be simple - don't drive. Sick of people starving in Africa - share things. When you think about it, someone is dying every minute to keep things the way we want them. We all accept that, just as we accept that it may be we who die in the next aeroplane crash - the expense and inconvenience of making things safer just aren't worth it. I think it's great hypocrisy to make a fuss about killing people. In fact I think you are not really free unless you embrace this fact of life, preferably by killing someone. My Mum and Dad are always on about this kind of thing. Typical vegetarians! They say you shouldn't eat meat unless you are prepared to kill and prepare the beast yourself. They're right, but too short-sighted to see the natural consequence of their logic. Vegetarianism means nothing. If they sat on the pavement, not moving at all and depending on people to give them food and water (but never asking - that would be exerting force); now that might be compassionate eating.
­ Life is the only thing we really have. Even it is only on temporary loan. In order to continue enjoying the benefits of this loan you need only accept that others must die. Some larger spirits feel destined to live life more fully. They rejoice to be thought of as free individuals. I consider myself free to do whatever I want. I act in the full knowledge of what the dangers and penalties may be, but I scorn to live as a slave. If I must live on the corpses of my fellow beings, I want to experience the mingled horror and exultation of extinguishing a human life with my bare hands.

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