Thursday, 1 July 2010

Reading List 2001

Well, I had been maintaining a reading list over on a Tripod account. But I've realised that Blogger is just so much easier. And it looks nicer. So here's 2001.
I don't know what made me start it.
My "rules" are simple. I only list books that I read the whole of. So there will have been some things that are not on here that I did read a lot of (especially non-fiction books that I skimmed or part-read). The date is when I finished reading the book. Sometimes I am reading more than one book at a time, so I haven't necessarily read a whole book in the time between its date and the previous book's date.

11/9/01 On Writing Stephen King
1/10/01 The Weight of Water Anita Shreve
3/10/01 I am Legend Richard Matheson
12/10/01 Different for Girls Joan Smith
23/10/01 In the Cut Suzanna Moore
25/10/01 Drunkard’s Walk Frederik Pohl
24/11/01 Teach Your Child How to Think Edward de Bono
26/11/01 Becoming a Writer Dorothea Brande
4/12/01 Being Nobody, Going Nowhere Ayya Khema
7/12/01 How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie
9/12/01 The Wise Wound Penelope Shuttle & Peter Redgrove
27/12/01 Simone Weil David Anderson
31/12/01 The Art of Mental Prayer Bede Frost

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